Welcome to Grade 5B!

This blog is a glimpse into the life of Grade 5B. Although this is our last term together, we will be regularly updating our blog and sharing insightful, strange, humorous and (most importantly) educational highlights with our friends and families.

The fourth term is often the busiest with exams, award ceremonies and final preparations for Grade 6, but it is also always the most fun! So sit back, relax and enjoy reading all about the adventures of Grade 5B!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Bright Shining Stars of 5B 2010!

Well, it's all over and wow did the time fly! A whole year and we did so much in that time.

Thank you so much to all of you for making 2010 such a spectacularly fun year, there was so much laughter and there were so many happy times.

Last Monday night we all attended the Academic Awards Ceremony for the Grade 4's and 5's. The corridors were filled with excitement and anticipation as the girls prepared for the show, the show in which they were all recognised for their amazing talents and achievements. It was a wonderful evening and I felt so proud of every star in 5B!

You are all such stars and I hope that you have put your glow-in-the-dark stars somewhere where you can see them every night before you go to bed. That way you will never forget how much brightness you add to the world. Just keep shining!

Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. See you all in 2011!

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